======= Session ======= Every request to the CouchDB server is embedded into a session. A session is represented by an instance of :class:`aiocouch.CouchDB`. A session can be created using the constructor of the class or by using the class as a context manager. Examples ======== Create a session with the context manager .. code-block :: python async with aiocouch.CouchDB("http://localhost") as couchdb: await couchdb.check_credentials() Note that the session will be closed, once the scope of the with statement is left. A session can also be handled using variables. The session needs to be closed manually. .. code-block :: python couchdb = aiocouch.CouchDB("http://localhost") await couchdb.check_credentials() await couchdb.close() Reference ========= .. autoclass:: aiocouch.CouchDB :members: :special-members: __getitem__